It’s hard to explain…
Corntown isn’t an actual place, it’s more of a vibe space you can call home. Its a conceptual idea, and social experiment, bringing a fresh presence into the space. Corntown is a sustainable community that just hits different.
The heart of Corntown is a collection of 10,000 multicolored corn with unconventional traits. These personality packed characters are connected to multiple contracts that interact within a sophisticated ecosystem all on the Etherium blockchain. By staking or planting a corn, called “soft staking”, you can earn 9 $KRUN per day, which is Corntown’s exclusive token. $KRUN can be spent in the exclusive Krunies marketplace, the Trait Factory, and other future use cases. $KRUN is Corntown’s exclusive token used and can only be earned by a planted corn, or exchanged for Etherium on DexTools. or by swapping in Metamask.
Check out our latest Krun Labs Medium articles that dive deep into the mechanics and ecosystem. Each article provides valuable insights into the Corntown project and the web3 world, helping you to better navigate and understand this innovative community. These articles are the most accurate and up-to-date sources of information available. You may even discover some extra clues in our Discord and Twitter channels, where Scarecrow posts may offer additional insights and intrigue.
When hanging out in Corntown, having a corn is almost required. Not only is corn the dopest food art, it also acts as a utility to The Locals within the ecosystem.
A corn can be bought with Etherum on a marketplace of your choice. When buying a corn you might run into a planted corn and receive a pre-gas error
stating it being reverted and to contact the owner of the collection. This is due the corn being ‘planted’ staked. These can also be identified prior as they currently have updated metadata until the corn is cropped while listed. The current Image is a goblin in a popcorn bucket.
When you plant a Corn, the contract will register the plant date and start counting.
When you crop a Corn, the contract will register the crop date and stop counting.
While planting, your corn does not leave your wallet, ever.
This is a contract function called seeding.
planting is easy and can be done using wallet connect at
Seeding is the Built in contract function that allows a Corntown holder to plant their corns.
Contract wise, if Seeding = False, seeding is not enabled
If Seeding = True, seeding is enabled
Planted Corn = Can be listed on market places, but can’t be sold
Cropped Corn = Can be listed on marketplaces and can be sold [icons size=” custom_size=” icon=’fa-thumbs-up’ type=’normal’ position=” border=’yes’ border_color=” icon_color=” background_color=” margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’]
Current Locals Supply: 11.5k
The Locals are a 15,000 collection that has minted during 2 events as well as ongoing minting that is occurring from corns.
The Locals minted from corns are only able to be done once per corn. This is done using a Corny Juice (Anti) which can be minted/burned from the corn or can be bought on secondary. Make sure that you utilize the Inspector Tool to ensure your corn is eligible (unclaimed local).
To transfer a corn while planted simply follow the below steps.
You will have to connect your wallet to Etherscan to execute and a small gas fee is charged.
This can only be done for 1 corn at a time.
Go here – >Eherscan – Corntown Corn Token
Use the Inspector Tool to check the status on each corn
Field Level Rewards
It has been stated that there are 10 field level rewards and potentially more. These rewards began with the ability to mint a Corny Juice, followed by a field level 2 where we received a code we used to pay for merch shipping. Field level 3 offered a code to utilize third party tools coupled by the introduction of Corntown avatars accessible in the Pixels game. All Free for holders. Rewards were suspended as the team pivoted the reward structure to something more agreeable to the current project climate.
Using Krun is essential to the Corntown ecosystem. In order to participate in community use cases and use of the Krun Labs tools, Krun is required in most probably all off the time. Here are a few tips to help.
These Medium articles are packed with helpful information that will help you better navigate Corntown and the KRUN ecosystem. Written by the team, this info is the most accurate and up to date information available. You will find various clues and answers to some of the Corntown mystery peppered throughout the articles. You may also discover some extra clues in discord and Twitter (Scarecrow posts).
published: OCT 06
published: OCT 8
published: OCT 25
published: NOV 16
published: DEC 2
published: JAN 3
published: JAN 13
published:JAN 30
published: FEB 11
Many of our community members go HAM on twitter! One of the best ways to stay up on the latest corny news is following some if not all of these corny m’fers. Many great benefits to raiding and staying active as well. 😈